The persons looking for weight loss programs will find tons of such advises from the internet where doctors will suggest you various modes of dietary programs for the weight loss regime. But not all of such programs really effective. While some programs mat suit some but for the others it may prove to be futile exercise. The people are waiting for such weight loss program which will be a cure for all the people desiring of shedding their extra weights. In this aspect the name of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin can be mentioned that has proved to be quite effective in reducing the extra fats of the body.
Also read:
- hcg drops
- What is HCG Complex and how it works.
- Natural weight loss techniques.
- Calorie cycling and HCG diet.
- Keep your life save with proper hcg diet.
- What is a 500 calorie diet and its Benefits.
- Most deadliest foods you should avoid
- 3 foods for quick weight loss
What Is HCG?
HCG is the name of the hormone that occurs naturally in the female body for helping the occurrence of pregnancy. In fact this hormone is responsible for the release of the human egg during ovulation and also assists in the development of the baby fetus. The medical fraternity knew about the roles of this hormone for long time. They have also used it for the treatment of infertility problems in females and for enhancing the sperm counts in males having such issues with them. But one British doctor while working with the pregnant ladies in India observed some unique characteristics of the hormone.
How HCG works?
At that time he was also working on some fat guys aiming at reducing their weight. After having some internal calculations and approximations he decided to inject low doses of HCG hormone to the fat guys. To his surprise he noted that the doses have worked miraculously in reducing the fat of the guys. With this experimental result he concluded that the hormone HCG works in the female body in such a way as to help in the growth of the baby unconditionally. With this aim the hormone produces a chemical known as leptin in the blood stream of the pregnant lady. The leptin is responsible for sending messages to the hypothalamus region of the brain by which the brain instructs the body system not to produce any further fat and concentrate on the well being of the baby. The chemical also takes stock of the fat inventory of the body and informs the brain when there is extra fat stored in the body. The brain then informs the body system to act in such a way so as to burn the extra fats and make use of the energy in the development of the baby. In this way the HCG works in two ways, one by restricting the production of fats and the other by burning the extra fats stored in the body for nothing.
The Low Calorie Dietary Program Suggested By The British Doctor
The doctor then formulated one dietary regime for the benefit of the people who are either obese or desiring to shed their extra weight with a view to look smarter with leaner muscles. The dietary regime that he discovered was restricted to 500 calorie only. This low calorie diet along with the injection of low doses of HCG will reduce the weight within a short period of time.