At last a weight reduction program without any side effects


The obesity has taken the form of epidemic particularly in the developed countries of the world. Many reasons are cited by the scientists and the medical practitioners as the root cause of this episode. But the main concern of the large population of people is to find some a way out of this malady. The experts in the field of medical sciences have come out with many solutions. But the population after experiencing the many side effects of the chemical treatments turned away from this mode of treatment of the obesity. Most of the people now desire to depend on the natural ways of treating the diseases and also to shed the extra weights of the body. Some doctors, in recent times, had come out with some miracle fruit grown in Africa for treating obesity. It is said that the natives of Africa are in the habit of using this fruit from time immemorial for treating indigestion and acidity. They also use it as food items. But the utilization of the fruit in reducing the weight was beyond their imagination probably due to the fact that such issue was not there in their hard working fraternity.

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The low calorie HCG diet

The latest in the search for treating obesity is the use of HCG drops. HCG is a hormone that is found in the female body during the period of pregnancy. After studying the roles of the hormone the researchers have developed methodology of using HCG for the treatment of infertility and enhancing sperm count of the men found deficient in it. Afterwards the effect of the hormone has been discovered in shedding the weight of the body. The new dietary regime composed of a low calorie diet of 500 calorie having high protein and low carbohydrate as well as fat. In addition to the low diet the patients are prescribed low dose of HCG in the form of injections.

Homeopathic HCG

The homeopathic HCG is further development in this path wherein the patients are not required to receive the medicine through injections. This painless non-invasive way of treating obesity has been appreciated by many who fear invasive modes of treatments. The name of the dose has been kept homeopathic due to the fact that the philosophy of homeopath is giving the medicine in micro form that is said to do powerful effects in the body by arousing the immune system. This homeopathic HCG is to be taken orally below the tongue so that the medicine can get into the blood stream as quick as possible. If the HCG reaches the stomach it will be synthesized into other chemicals and the hormone may not work as desired.

The US laboratory names BigSource Laboratory has brought in the hcg drops in the market which has become highly popular among the needy people of the world. The medicine has to be taken along with a strict low calorie dietary program for getting the successful results. It suggested to select high protein and low fat diet within the calorific value of the food below 500 calorie.