Know Your HCG Diet Chart

It all started with the book “pounds & inches” by Mr. A. T. W. Simeon where he revealed the magical story of the naturally occurring human hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. After her experiment with some fat guys in India where he was working with the pregnant women Mr. Simeon suggested that the hormone that is found in the female body during the time of pregnancy can be successfully used for shedding weight from the human body. During the time of his working among the pregnant women in India he noticed that this hormone is working as a kind of fat burner in order to accumulate all the resources for the well fare of the baby right from the stage of fetus continuing to its full development into fully grown baby. The nature in this way ensures that the propagation of the species get secured in spite of the annihilation of the mother body if required. He attempted his theory in the human bodies of a few fat guys who came for treating their obese conditions. He advocated a very low calorie diet along with the injection of the HCG doses in low doses. Later he compiled his experiment in his famous book mentioned above. He named this new dietary regime as 500 calories low calorie HCG diet.

The 500 calorie hcg diet

This low calorie diet has helped millions of people in shedding their extra weights and live a meaningful healthy life. We give below the original menu of the low calorie diet provided by Mr. Simeon in his book. Later there had been many modifications and protocols targeting the individual needs depending upon the weight loss plans and many other cliental characteristics.


You can safely use tea or coffee as per your choice without any restrictions in their quantity. No sugar is allowed in the tea or the coffee but you can use Saccharin or Stevie as alternatives to sugar if required. If you like milk in it you are permitted to use only one tablespoonful in 24 hours.


  1. You can take 100 gram of veal or chicken breast or beef or white fish if fresh, lobster, crab or shrimp. Take out all visible physical fats from the items before you start cooking. 100 gram should be the raw weight prior to removing the fats items from it. The items you select have to be simply boiled without adding any amount of oil or fat. You can also grill it if you like instead of boiling.
  2. The vegetable you use should be selected from chicory, beet-greens, tomatoes, celery, onion, red radishes, cabbage, cucumber, asparagus, spinach and chard.
  3. One bread stick
  4. In fruits menu select from one apple, one orange, some strawberries or some grape fruits.

Dinner shall be same as the lunch menu.

While using any other medicine you have to take prior permission from your doctor. In cosmetics you may use lipstick, powder and eyebrow pencil only which do not require prior permission from doctor.

Disclosure: All information presented by is for educational purposes only. In case of medical questions or uncertainties, the reader is encouraged to seek the advice of his/her own physician or health care practitioner. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products or any information contained within this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.